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About Me

  1. What inspired you to become a writer?

    1. I have always wanted to be a creative writer. I started out as a teenager writing poems and short stories. ​

  2. Have you always wanted to be a writer?

    1. No, at one time I really wanted to be an accountant. ​

  3. What kind of books do you write?

    1. I write in the romance genre with a few different sub genres. ​

  4. What sets your writing apart from others in your genre?

    1. I want to break tropes and find new exciting ways for my characters to meet and fall in love. ​

  5. How did you get your start in writing?

    1. I really began diving into writing when Covid hit hard, and I had to quit my full-time job. ​

Writing Process

  1. What does your writing process look like?

    1. I don't have a process that I feel works. I usually write when inspiration strikes and whatever I feel like I should write. I have done research on different writing processes and found that the one that resonates with me the most is called Writing in the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith. ​

  2. How do you deal with writer's block?

    1. I look at writer's block as a way to step out of my comfort zone. If there is something blocking me from writing, then I will try to write something different to spark my muse. ​

  3. How do you approach research for your books?

    1. I approach it just like I used to in high school. Find credible sources and take notes that are relevant to what I am writing. ​

  4. How do you develop your characters?

    1. I tend to let my characters develop organically, I don't do a lot of backstories or in-depth pre-work. ​

  5. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

    1. Keep writing, as often as you can. You will get there!​

About Your Books

  1. What's your latest book about?

    1. I am currently working on a novel to upload to Kindle Vella. It is an enemies to lovers romance. My two lovers have to find their way on that fine line between love and hate. ​

  2. How do you come up with your book ideas?

    1. I get inspiration from books I am currently reading, movies, music, chatting with my friends. Inspiration is all around you if you are open to it. ​

  3. What's your favorite book you've written?

    1. To be honest, I haven't finished a manuscript or published anything. I have enjoyed several short stories though. ​

  4. Which of your books was the most challenging to write?

    1. Everything has been a challenge. ​

  5. Are your characters based on real people?

    1. Sometimes there are similar personalities. ​


  1. How did you get published?

    1. I am self-publishing through Kindle Vella. ​

  2. What advice would you give to aspiring authors trying to get published?

    1. Do your research, find a group to join for support. ​

  3. What's the best way to market a book?

    1. There is no best way. You must market your book how best fits your situation. ​

  4. What are your thoughts on self-publishing?

    1. I have always planned on self-publishing. ​


  1. How can I get in touch with you?

    1. The best way to get in touch with me is through social media, facebook messages or on Discord! ​

  2. Are you available for book clubs or other events?

    1. I am available for events. ​

  3. Do you have a newsletter or mailing list?

    1. I am currently rebuilding my newsletter! ​

  4. Can I send you my book to review?

    1. Reviews are always welcome (both the good and bad!). ​

  5. Will you be doing any book signings or speaking engagements soon?

    1. At this time I will not be hosting any engagements. ​


  1. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

    1. When I am not writing I am gaming with my family, reading or soaking up True Crime shows and podcasts. ​

  2. Do you have any book recommendations?

    1. This is list could be so long! I strongly recommend S.A Crow, Sarra Cannon, Jenna O'Malley and Melissa Power. they have several books that are all amazing. ​

  3. What's the best piece of writing advice you've ever received?

    1. Write, even if you don't feel like it, sit down and write. ​

  4. What's next for you and your writing career?

    1. I am hoping to start posting to Kindle Vella in July 2023! ​

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